Painted on these make-shift masks was a cartoony depiction of a crying face, bright blue stream of tears and overdramatized frown. Each one of their members wore a tightly tied sack that had nothing but the eye sockets cut open for sight.

Their favorite time to commit their crimes was during the busiest hours of the day. The Bagsack Gang was a notorious group of highly-sought thieves. Anyone who even dared tried to oppose them was shot immediately. The lackeys of the group made way for the leader to get to the front without any hesitation. They where followed by a large group of hidden faces holding guns at the crowd to assert their business. The person in front, who was obviously in charge of this operation walked forward towards the bank’s front desk. “EVERYONE PUT YOUR HANDS UP AND NO ONE GETS HURT!”

Rush hour had only just started when a group of concealed figures came bursting through the front doors. The regulars always got in first thing in the morning before the rush came in and waits went from minutes to hours. Today was supposed to be the same as all the days that came before it. The bank worked their asses off until 5 pm then closed up for tomorrow. There was never a moment when there weren’t a crowd of people making all sorts of transactions and payments.

A steady stream of people flowed in and out the bank.