To create shortcuts to your favorite games! Join us! Our away homes on the interwebs: Running around with one by your side as you slice the heads of undead Nords is even more cool.Wolf Link Traveling Companion Signup Login ModsĪnd creators, since 2001. He was born during the Warp of the West in the third era, around 3E 420, and is still considered a young pup by those in the Underworld. Garmr was not fooled but he agreed to answer her questions if she would bear him a son, to which she agreed. Feeling curious about the realm of Akray she disguised herself as a wolf and flirted with Garmr as a way to get in. His mother is Jörð (Jord Earth), one of the Jötnar. Garm is a fierce husky named after his father Garmr, the guardian of the Norse and Nord underworlds. Our last pick is not of human form but a husky. If your character needs a reason to visit the jail they may give you the excuse you require. Keep an eye out for notes referring to Inigo on your travels. He's next to Sibbi Black-Briar in the first cell on your left. For example, sheathing your weapon in battle will cause INIGO to cease combat and return to your side. Both a skilled warrior and capable partner, INIGO is able to be controlled effectively, even in combat, without the use of other mods and settings. INIGO is an interesting Khajiit who sports more than 7000 lines of dialog. While they travel around the world of Skyrim the 12 followers do remain at a single location one day per week to make hunting them down just a little bit more convenient. This handy mod implements a variety of characters who traverse Skyrim and integrate with fellow NPCs. If you need a companion for life and are tired of the in-game vanilla characters, be sure to give Sofia a try. Not to mention her constant inappropriate comments which easily offend or embarrass people. Her rebellious spirit and careless attitude often gets her in trouble.

Sofia is a tease and loves to wind people up which doesn't make her very popular with people.

She has a strong fondness for the player character but her deliberate attempts to disguise the fact just leads to very awkward conversations especially as she usually says exactly what she thinks. She is tough, witty and just a little bit boastful. Voiced by Christine Slagman, the dialog is not only witty and humorous, but also reacts to surroundings, other NPCs and select quest lines.

The fully-voiced delight that is Sofia is a lore-friendly (depending on opinion and play style) follower who accompanies the Dragonborn on his (or her) adventures.